
2025 Burnie Print Prize

                                                 I am so pleased to hear i am a finalist in this prestigious prize which will be exhibited in March 2025.  Once the exhibition is up I can post my work here. 

Day 13 of looking back at (13) projects - painting

I am infatuated with 'place', a sense of place and our place within it and that art is a collision of the intellect and the visceral.  Abstraction excites me.  The struggle, in painting, continues to align concept/vision with ability, the technical aspects. This is why I work every day. The mornings are for computer work, admin, tidying (maybe), sorting, research and reading/writing. Working daily, on various projects and ideas I paint in the afternoons, across media including oil, acrylic, pastel and watermedia. Looking back on the last year, the struggle to abstraction continues. You can see abstractions in other artworks i do including artist books, asemic, prints, ipad drawings, photography and drawing.  1. search the label on this blog.  2. (check out the last 12 days of ' looking back' (label).

Day 12 of looking back at projects - chemigram

  Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 12 - chemigram. 2024 i discovered chemigrams and played (a lot) ... love what comes from process based art play. (wikipedia) Process. A chemigram is made by  painting with chemicals on photographic paper  and lies within the general domain of experimentation in the visual arts. It requires the use of materials from silver halide-based photography (light-sensitive paper, developer, and fixer), but it is not a photograph.

Day 11 of looking back at projects - arist books

  Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 11 - artist books. I create books using photography, abstraction, altered books, books holding creative exercises, ICM, chemigrams and more on various projects. i also hold occasional (winter) workshops on creating artist books.

Day 10 looking back at projects - IPAD

  Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 10 - IPAD i love using the ipad to create images - inspired by Hockney and Warhol and abstraction.

Day 9 - looking back at projects - Poetry

Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 9 - poetry i have over 150 poems published in print and online -Drifting Sands (Aus), the herons nest, the Aurora Review, Eucalypt (Aus) Contemporary Haibun, Cloudspeak, Ripples, Modern English Tanka, LYNX, Modern Haiku, Kokako (NZ), Moonset, Simply Haiku, 

Day 8 - looking back at projects - photography

Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 8 - photography

Day 7 - looking back at projects - collage & stitching

Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 7 -collage & stitching

Day 6 - looking back at projects - asemic

Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 6 -asemic

Day 5 - looking back at projects - drawing

Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 5 - drawing

Day 4 - looking back at projects - Flora

  Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 4 - flora

Day 3 of looking back - projects - monoprints

  Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 3 - monoprinting