
Showing posts with the label #mapping

#getaway little books & a beach walk (video)

Early Summer i went on a #getaway to Boat Harbour - spent 3 days there soaking up the sun, isolation and beach.  A nice visit from V and lunch at the restaurant was a highlight.  I treat all my #getaways as a 'residency' and go on long walks, photography and do drawings, writing and reading. the drawings en plein air shown in the earlier blog post led to these two little books. fine art photography of my time at Boat Harbour can be found  here a short video of a beach walk at Boat Harbour #Tasmania

Day 13 of looking back at (13) projects - painting

I am infatuated with 'place', a sense of place and our place within it and that art is a collision of the intellect and the visceral.  Abstraction excites me.  The struggle, in painting, continues to align concept/vision with ability, the technical aspects. This is why I work every day. The mornings are for computer work, admin, tidying (maybe), sorting, research and reading/writing. Working daily, on various projects and ideas I paint in the afternoons, across media including oil, acrylic, pastel and watermedia. Looking back on the last year, the struggle to abstraction continues. You can see abstractions in other artworks i do including artist books, asemic, prints, ipad drawings, photography and drawing.  1. search the label on this blog.  2. (check out the last 12 days of ' looking back' (label).

i followed a worm for a day

to get these wondrous images of mud as it dried across my studio floor. These are a smattering of nearly 500 images i photographed on the day after the flood.  3 months after moving to country Tasmania we experienced a flood - nothing like the awful flooding that many experienced, all over Australia, where mud came up in their houses, waist high, destroying everything. Thankfully, our home is up a hill and it was the creek on our property that rose 6metres in some places and flooded paddocks including the one that is in front of my studio. Up until 3am the flood rose in metres that engulfed the creek border encroaching about 3 metres across the land. We were moving furniture and #snowcone onto higher ground finally going to bed at 3am. The flood came and went the next 4 hours we slept, up and over paddocks and into my studio. When we got up in the morning around 7am all looked fine - the creek was as high as when we went to bed at 3am and it flowed across the roadways on the p...

artist in Tasmania looking back going forward & bonus video of #Snowcone

I have been looking back in my journals for the past year assessing where to now. There is also a pile of paintings, drawings, cloth etc that are 'finished' which i am going through. This article was prompted by finding/looking at these two paintings (below) - They are so similar, created months apart! I am quite struck by the similarities .... intuitive shapes, marks, values and to a small extent, colour. And the similarity in the final outcome. (acrylic and paintstick). Musing, below, on looking forward, these pieces and the materials i use - plus a little bonus video of the lovely #Snowcone at the bottom of the post. A few projects and ideas for projects have been bouncing around for a couple of years (notes, researching deeper, ideas, drawings, mark making, photos, art of others etc). I paint every day, collage may be daily for a week or so each month, textiles is slow stitching at night and intermittent dyeing, painting cloth etc. Last year i started using my Ipad...