
Showing posts with the label monoprint

Day 12 of looking back at projects - chemigram

  Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 12 - chemigram. 2024 i discovered chemigrams and played (a lot) ... love what comes from process based art play. (wikipedia) Process. A chemigram is made by  painting with chemicals on photographic paper  and lies within the general domain of experimentation in the visual arts. It requires the use of materials from silver halide-based photography (light-sensitive paper, developer, and fixer), but it is not a photograph.

Day 6 - looking back at projects - asemic

Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 6 -asemic

Day 5 - looking back at projects - drawing

Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 5 - drawing

Day 4 - looking back at projects - Flora

  Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 4 - flora

Day 3 of looking back - projects - monoprints

  Dedicated to #13, New Year reflections - 13 days of looking back on 13 projects over the last year Day 3 - monoprinting

i followed a worm for a day

to get these wondrous images of mud as it dried across my studio floor. These are a smattering of nearly 500 images i photographed on the day after the flood.  3 months after moving to country Tasmania we experienced a flood - nothing like the awful flooding that many experienced, all over Australia, where mud came up in their houses, waist high, destroying everything. Thankfully, our home is up a hill and it was the creek on our property that rose 6metres in some places and flooded paddocks including the one that is in front of my studio. Up until 3am the flood rose in metres that engulfed the creek border encroaching about 3 metres across the land. We were moving furniture and #snowcone onto higher ground finally going to bed at 3am. The flood came and went the next 4 hours we slept, up and over paddocks and into my studio. When we got up in the morning around 7am all looked fine - the creek was as high as when we went to bed at 3am and it flowed across the roadways on the p...