I have been looking back in my journals for the past year assessing where to now. There is also a pile of paintings, drawings, cloth etc that are 'finished' which i am going through. This article was prompted by finding/looking at these two paintings (below) - They are so similar, created months apart! I am quite struck by the similarities .... intuitive shapes, marks, values and to a small extent, colour. And the similarity in the final outcome. (acrylic and paintstick). Musing, below, on looking forward, these pieces and the materials i use - plus a little bonus video of the lovely #Snowcone at the bottom of the post. A few projects and ideas for projects have been bouncing around for a couple of years (notes, researching deeper, ideas, drawings, mark making, photos, art of others etc). I paint every day, collage may be daily for a week or so each month, textiles is slow stitching at night and intermittent dyeing, painting cloth etc. Last year i started using my Ipad...