This skink (it is a skink?) on my studio floor today - I picked him up and before putting him outside i took a photograph. And then i googled - yes its a skink .. a common garden skink

... common? - soooo subjective. but if it means there are many then yes, this skink is common. fascinating to explore colour, shape, texture, those feet ...and i have seen one or two running around without that pointy end of the tail. I believe they drop off when 'caught' and later regrow.

i have also seen a blue-tongued lizard here at our new place but didnt have my camera with me. hope to find him/her some day and show you. New place new discoveries having moved recently to the country, regional Tasmania, yet on the very outskirts of towns.

also found ... this nest - no idea what type of bird but love the fragility yet strength of this home for birds. so much to appreciate in delicacy, shadow, form, texture, tone. And that touch of greenery. i found it on the floor after a particularly windy night ... perhaps it didn't hold tight enough. it is quite beautiful to look at.


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